Quality could be improved. Our daughter loves the end result. The color and height are great with the room. Its the perfect size if you need a little extra space in a small room but dont want your kid in a tall loft bed. The only downfall is that theres no way of knowing how damaged the product might be, or if damaged at all. Upon opening the box we noticed cracks in a few parts. Not sure if individual pieces are replaceable or not. That is the only disappointing part otherwise its OK.
Cute bed but cracked parts
Quality could be improved. Our daughter loves the end result. The color and height are great with the room. Its the perfect size if you need a little extra space in a small room but dont want your kid in a tall loft bed. The only downfall is that theres no way of knowing how damaged the product might be, or if damaged at all. Upon opening the box we noticed cracks in a few parts. Not sure if individual pieces are replaceable or not. That is the only disappointing part otherwise its OK.