I loved it. Super easy to assemble! I had this baby done in less than 5 minutes I might need a shorter strap because my porch isnt as high as Id like it to be but its comfy and totally worth the money! Im only 100lbs so this is nice for me, I bought 2 so once my 200lb fiance tries his out Ill update.
Update: it holds him and myself! So comfy, definitely worth every penny!
Yess! In love with this
I loved it. Super easy to assemble! I had this baby done in less than 5 minutes I might need a shorter strap because my porch isnt as high as Id like it to be but its comfy and totally worth the money! Im only 100lbs so this is nice for me, I bought 2 so once my 200lb fiance tries his out Ill update. Update: it holds him and myself! So comfy, definitely worth every penny!