Bought this for our son for Christmas. Price was pretty high but it is sturdy and the quality is good. For assembly, lay out all the bolts and screws on a separate table or towel. There are alot of them with many sizes. Assembly required (3) people. Two could do it but it was alot easier with three. Most holes lined up good. Only had trouble with two, but once the screw started it was ok. We left the front guardrail off to make it easier to get in and out of the bed. No issues there...yet. Plan your placement in the room. Ours was 12x12. We had to remove the ceiling fan blades to eliminate an obvious Safety concern. Put an 8 memory foam bed on the platform and our son loves it. The desk is solid, as well, and the shelf is nice. We left off the bulky keyboard shelf since our son has a laptop. This bed should last a long time.
Loft Bed with Desk
Bought this for our son for Christmas. Price was pretty high but it is sturdy and the quality is good. For assembly, lay out all the bolts and screws on a separate table or towel. There are alot of them with many sizes. Assembly required (3) people. Two could do it but it was alot easier with three. Most holes lined up good. Only had trouble with two, but once the screw started it was ok. We left the front guardrail off to make it easier to get in and out of the bed. No issues there...yet. Plan your placement in the room. Ours was 12x12. We had to remove the ceiling fan blades to eliminate an obvious Safety concern. Put an 8 memory foam bed on the platform and our son loves it. The desk is solid, as well, and the shelf is nice. We left off the bulky keyboard shelf since our son has a laptop. This bed should last a long time.