Sturdy design. Makes some noise as my son moves around on it it, but nothing to bad. Helps me to know when he is getting in and out of the bed. Easy to put together. My son Says Stairs hurt his feet a little so I may put some kind of cushioning on them. There was one delivery guy. I am thankful my dad and brother were there to receive it. The delivery guy would not have been able to bring it in our house by himself. Overall good product for the price.
Exactly what we expected
Sturdy design. Makes some noise as my son moves around on it it, but nothing to bad. Helps me to know when he is getting in and out of the bed. Easy to put together. My son Says Stairs hurt his feet a little so I may put some kind of cushioning on them. There was one delivery guy. I am thankful my dad and brother were there to receive it. The delivery guy would not have been able to bring it in our house by himself. Overall good product for the price.