A sturdy, well designed bed. Overall we like it. Took about 90 minutes to assemble. Unfortunately, ours arrived damaged / it looks like one of the pieces was dragged across the pavement and its terribly scratched. We didnt noticed until we were about 60 minute into assembly, and after spending that long, and desperately needing another bed before baby 2 arrives in 4 days, we cant dissemble it and send it back.
Damaged. But past that / its a nice toddler bed.
A sturdy, well designed bed. Overall we like it. Took about 90 minutes to assemble. Unfortunately, ours arrived damaged / it looks like one of the pieces was dragged across the pavement and its terribly scratched. We didnt noticed until we were about 60 minute into assembly, and after spending that long, and desperately needing another bed before baby 2 arrives in 4 days, we cant dissemble it and send it back.