Not very easy to assemble and I heard wood cracking when screwing in the screws. Not a great value for the money. The chair looks nice, but came ripped. I needed something to sit on immediately and could not take the time to return it. Not sure how long this chair will last, but so far it holds a chubby adult. I was shopping for more of a living room chair and this is more of a fancy looking desk or a bedroom makeup vanity chair. should not have been priced as high as it was
Came ripped. Pain in the butt to assemble.
Not very easy to assemble and I heard wood cracking when screwing in the screws. Not a great value for the money. The chair looks nice, but came ripped. I needed something to sit on immediately and could not take the time to return it. Not sure how long this chair will last, but so far it holds a chubby adult. I was shopping for more of a living room chair and this is more of a fancy looking desk or a bedroom makeup vanity chair. should not have been priced as high as it was