This will be my third and very last pair of togg waders I ever buy. The quality of these has always been serviceable at best but this last pair (though I am at the exact same weight I have been for the last 20 years) are so tight in the leg and crotch area that I can barely walk and wade around in them. Add to this the ridiculous change to the buckle system and I will gladly spend the 400 increased cost of a pair of properly made American waders. Quality could be improved.
no longer a good value!
This will be my third and very last pair of togg waders I ever buy. The quality of these has always been serviceable at best but this last pair (though I am at the exact same weight I have been for the last 20 years) are so tight in the leg and crotch area that I can barely walk and wade around in them. Add to this the ridiculous change to the buckle system and I will gladly spend the 400 increased cost of a pair of properly made American waders. Quality could be improved.