cute. My autistic grandson manages to destroy these at a rate of one/week or so. Once he gets bouncing on the trampoline he likes to grab the top of the net as he falls. This tends to cause the pole bottom to snap off where it transitions from the round pipe to the square that fits in the bracket. Ill admit that this is abusing the equipment so I cant complain. For kids who understand that grabbing the net is not something to do, these poles should last for the life of the trampoline.
Ive bought quite a few of these
cute. My autistic grandson manages to destroy these at a rate of one/week or so. Once he gets bouncing on the trampoline he likes to grab the top of the net as he falls. This tends to cause the pole bottom to snap off where it transitions from the round pipe to the square that fits in the bracket. Ill admit that this is abusing the equipment so I cant complain. For kids who understand that grabbing the net is not something to do, these poles should last for the life of the trampoline.