This bed was perfect! It came quickly and packaged well. It definitely requires two people and took us about an hour to assemble. It is very sturdy! My daughter loves to play underneath. We ended up putting a rug and some small chairs (and the dog) underneath this really helped save on floor space in her room. It does not shake or wobble at all and its very easy for her to get up and down and not too high for us to worry about her being up there. shes only 5. No complaints, really happy
Perfect Loft Bed
This bed was perfect! It came quickly and packaged well. It definitely requires two people and took us about an hour to assemble. It is very sturdy! My daughter loves to play underneath. We ended up putting a rug and some small chairs (and the dog) underneath this really helped save on floor space in her room. It does not shake or wobble at all and its very easy for her to get up and down and not too high for us to worry about her being up there. shes only 5. No complaints, really happy