This bed is great for the price! It was easy for my husband to assemble and let the kids help and got it done in under an hour. He used a drill just to make sure all the screws were as secure as possible. My daughter loves it. Im only 52 and Im taller then it so its perfect. She can climb up and down very easily. Its perfect if you dont like bulky furniture or if you dont have much space. its perfect for my needs
Best bang for your buck
This bed is great for the price! It was easy for my husband to assemble and let the kids help and got it done in under an hour. He used a drill just to make sure all the screws were as secure as possible. My daughter loves it. Im only 52 and Im taller then it so its perfect. She can climb up and down very easily. Its perfect if you dont like bulky furniture or if you dont have much space. its perfect for my needs