My kids love their new bed. It looks really nice. It is sturdy. Assembly instructions are very clear n detailed. We ran into problem while assembling because one of the parts was defective. But, and the company itself, both provided five star customer service. They worked with us and sent us the replacement part. I have no complaints about the bed. Only thing that I recommend is to add more slats to the bed to provide more support under the mattress. Yes, Its great. loves it.
My kids love their new bed
My kids love their new bed. It looks really nice. It is sturdy. Assembly instructions are very clear n detailed. We ran into problem while assembling because one of the parts was defective. But, and the company itself, both provided five star customer service. They worked with us and sent us the replacement part. I have no complaints about the bed. Only thing that I recommend is to add more slats to the bed to provide more support under the mattress. Yes, Its great. loves it.