Bed was easy to assemble and only took about 45 min to unbox and assemble. It looks great and my 7 year old loves it! Its the perfect height for a kids bed as it is closer to the ground.
The only con would be the legs are plastic so Im not sure how they will hold up. The color was darker than I expected / I ordered charcoal and I was expecting a grey color, but this is black to me. comfortable and stylish product, great for guests
Great kids bed
Bed was easy to assemble and only took about 45 min to unbox and assemble. It looks great and my 7 year old loves it! Its the perfect height for a kids bed as it is closer to the ground. The only con would be the legs are plastic so Im not sure how they will hold up. The color was darker than I expected / I ordered charcoal and I was expecting a grey color, but this is black to me. comfortable and stylish product, great for guests