I bought this frame in a twin size for our Nursery I liked it so much I bought a king size for our own room. Very good quality, extremely easy to assemble and it seems very durable. My only complaint is that the bolts loosen up over time Ive had to tighten them multiple times before finally putting Loctite on it. We will just have to cut it into pieces if we ever decide to move it out of our room.
Update: EVEN WITH LOCTITE the bolts loosen up! Excellent, Stylish and safe
Very good quality.
I bought this frame in a twin size for our Nursery I liked it so much I bought a king size for our own room. Very good quality, extremely easy to assemble and it seems very durable. My only complaint is that the bolts loosen up over time Ive had to tighten them multiple times before finally putting Loctite on it. We will just have to cut it into pieces if we ever decide to move it out of our room. Update: EVEN WITH LOCTITE the bolts loosen up! Excellent, Stylish and safe