I broke the assembly in two days just due to the delivery being so late in the day but it wasnt that hard; even watched a Netflix show while assembling.
Its very study, I bumped a cup to test it and it barely budged. I like the gray tone next to my gray bed and overall Im happy with the purchase. I only got one but if I need another Ill be back. The drawers are wide enough that theres a lot of space. Also its not heavy but smaller people will have a time lifting. Ok.
A hood nightstand for the price and look.
I broke the assembly in two days just due to the delivery being so late in the day but it wasnt that hard; even watched a Netflix show while assembling. Its very study, I bumped a cup to test it and it barely budged. I like the gray tone next to my gray bed and overall Im happy with the purchase. I only got one but if I need another Ill be back. The drawers are wide enough that theres a lot of space. Also its not heavy but smaller people will have a time lifting. Ok.