I love this cage!! It is big and sturdy and easy to put together. I loved it but my Guinea Pig Floyd Alan did not. Unfortunately the floor of the cage is much too wide for his little paws and he fell through and scared and hurt himself. I asked for a refund and was granted one without hesitation by the seller. I am thankful for that. Once again a GREAT cage but for a larger animal not a Guinea Pig.
Great Cage just not for a Guinea Pig
I love this cage!! It is big and sturdy and easy to put together. I loved it but my Guinea Pig Floyd Alan did not. Unfortunately the floor of the cage is much too wide for his little paws and he fell through and scared and hurt himself. I asked for a refund and was granted one without hesitation by the seller. I am thankful for that. Once again a GREAT cage but for a larger animal not a Guinea Pig.