I wont lie, I was very apprehensive to order this product because of the lack of reviews. I am so glad that I went against my better judgement and ordered it anyways! It was super easy to assemble and very sturdy. I have a small room, so the lack of a head and foot board makes it feel more roomy. My mattress is THICC and this frame does not require a box spring. Thank god, otherwise Id need a step ladder to get in bed. The color is exactly what it is in the advertised picture. I will be ordering more furniture from this company.
I wont lie, I was very apprehensive to order this product because of the lack of reviews. I am so glad that I went against my better judgement and ordered it anyways! It was super easy to assemble and very sturdy. I have a small room, so the lack of a head and foot board makes it feel more roomy. My mattress is THICC and this frame does not require a box spring. Thank god, otherwise Id need a step ladder to get in bed. The color is exactly what it is in the advertised picture. I will be ordering more furniture from this company.