My son loves it!! I purchased this chair for my 14 year old son. He is a big gamer and every good gamer needs a good chair, or so he says LoL. Everything came together in one big box. It was easy to assemble as it just had two main parts that needed to be put together. The chair comes equipped with a lower back massager and a hand held remote for it. This is a very nice feature. Only needs to be plugged in. I was very impressed by how well it actually works and you can really feel a difference in how your back feels after using it. So needless to say the chair is comfortable to sit in. It not only reclines but it lays completely back flat so its easy to take a nap after your massage. Another feature I really like and my son found useful were the pockets on both sides of the chair. He uses them to store his games, magines and even to hold his tablet and cell phone. Also the vinyl material its made from is easy to wipe down and keep clean. Overall everyone in our family is very pleased with this chair and its performance. My sons are constantly fighting over whose turn it is to sit in the chair while . Its looking like Im going to have to buy another one!!
Perfect for teenage boys!
My son loves it!! I purchased this chair for my 14 year old son. He is a big gamer and every good gamer needs a good chair, or so he says LoL. Everything came together in one big box. It was easy to assemble as it just had two main parts that needed to be put together. The chair comes equipped with a lower back massager and a hand held remote for it. This is a very nice feature. Only needs to be plugged in. I was very impressed by how well it actually works and you can really feel a difference in how your back feels after using it. So needless to say the chair is comfortable to sit in. It not only reclines but it lays completely back flat so its easy to take a nap after your massage. Another feature I really like and my son found useful were the pockets on both sides of the chair. He uses them to store his games, magines and even to hold his tablet and cell phone. Also the vinyl material its made from is easy to wipe down and keep clean. Overall everyone in our family is very pleased with this chair and its performance. My sons are constantly fighting over whose turn it is to sit in the chair while . Its looking like Im going to have to buy another one!!