The bed looks good and sturdy. Our daughter loves it. The assembly was also smooth. Just one feedback / In one of the units (I think it was the book shelf) the label on the parts was incorrect. There was no paper label inside the plastic with the label and the label on the plastic itself was incorrect. However, it was easy to guess using the picture in the map and the count of parts. So, nothing worrisome. I will update the review later as time progresses, if need be. Thank you.
Good experience so far
The bed looks good and sturdy. Our daughter loves it. The assembly was also smooth. Just one feedback / In one of the units (I think it was the book shelf) the label on the parts was incorrect. There was no paper label inside the plastic with the label and the label on the plastic itself was incorrect. However, it was easy to guess using the picture in the map and the count of parts. So, nothing worrisome. I will update the review later as time progresses, if need be. Thank you.