Simple and does the job. Overall the bed is a good size and good quality for the amount of money it was. Its easy assembly even for once person, but its a bit difficult because of how heavy everything was. Youre obviously going to feel the bed move a bit while youre on it, and its a little difficult to climb into because of the ladder bars being awkward in size, but besides that its held up nicely even after having it for a month, there has been no issues thus far.
Small update/ bed is still going strong, no issues, has held a total weight of 250lbs on the mattress with absolutely no issues as well. The manual didnt say the weight limit so I was unsure if two people could sit on the bed but it held well
Good for the price
Simple and does the job. Overall the bed is a good size and good quality for the amount of money it was. Its easy assembly even for once person, but its a bit difficult because of how heavy everything was. Youre obviously going to feel the bed move a bit while youre on it, and its a little difficult to climb into because of the ladder bars being awkward in size, but besides that its held up nicely even after having it for a month, there has been no issues thus far. Small update/ bed is still going strong, no issues, has held a total weight of 250lbs on the mattress with absolutely no issues as well. The manual didnt say the weight limit so I was unsure if two people could sit on the bed but it held well