Would have 5 but a full mattress doesnt fit, there is a pretty good size gap. Very sturdy bed, my daughter loves it. Easy assembly. The only complaint i have is that the feame, where the mattress sits is about 4-5 inches wider than a normal full mattress. We have to stuff a blanket in there so my daughter wont fall. An easy fix but still. Over all happy with purchase besides that For the price, its great
there is a pretty good size gap
Would have 5 but a full mattress doesnt fit, there is a pretty good size gap. Very sturdy bed, my daughter loves it. Easy assembly. The only complaint i have is that the feame, where the mattress sits is about 4-5 inches wider than a normal full mattress. We have to stuff a blanket in there so my daughter wont fall. An easy fix but still. Over all happy with purchase besides that For the price, its great