Frustrating to assemble but great product when its done
Very pretty and surprisingly sturdy for the money. I would give it a 5 star except the assembly of the slats was ridiculously challenging by myself. I said more curse words in the hour it took than I have said in several months!!
Tip: if assembling alone turn it on its side to get slats aligned. If not every time you try to screw it down a few slats pop out and you have to start over. I dont want to admit how many times that happened!! Super frustrating!
Once assembled my daughter loves it. Perfect size for her and she cannot roll out.
Frustrating to assemble but great product when its done
Very pretty and surprisingly sturdy for the money. I would give it a 5 star except the assembly of the slats was ridiculously challenging by myself. I said more curse words in the hour it took than I have said in several months!! Tip: if assembling alone turn it on its side to get slats aligned. If not every time you try to screw it down a few slats pop out and you have to start over. I dont want to admit how many times that happened!! Super frustrating! Once assembled my daughter loves it. Perfect size for her and she cannot roll out.