This is a very sturdy bed. I am happy with this purchase and the customer service team. We have had the bed a couple months and the only flaws I have noticed are one screw holding together the three boards on the second bunk came lose very quickly from people using that to stand up or from our boys climbing but it does not affect the sturdiness only looks. Really good looking bed, I would prefer the bottom bunk be a little lower to the ground for a couple reasons: it is a little high for young kids, lots of storage underneath which limits the space between the bottom and top bunk. I also wish the ladder could go on either side of the limits the set up in the room. My husband and I put the bed together, easily.
Sturdy and nice quality bed
This is a very sturdy bed. I am happy with this purchase and the customer service team. We have had the bed a couple months and the only flaws I have noticed are one screw holding together the three boards on the second bunk came lose very quickly from people using that to stand up or from our boys climbing but it does not affect the sturdiness only looks. Really good looking bed, I would prefer the bottom bunk be a little lower to the ground for a couple reasons: it is a little high for young kids, lots of storage underneath which limits the space between the bottom and top bunk. I also wish the ladder could go on either side of the limits the set up in the room. My husband and I put the bed together, easily.