I like the style of the chairs and they were easy to assemble. Overall, the build of the chair looks stylish, BUT the color is horrific. I ordered grey and they are tan/beige with a hint of grey in the right light. Also, the legs are a 1990s bright fake cherry color. It may have looked okay 30 years ago, but that color of cherry is painful to look at. I ended up painting the legs with furniture paint to hide that eye sore. Do not buy these to match farmhouse, coastal, modern, or any other style...unless you're purposely going for a 90s retro look. They would look great to sit on while setting the clock on your VCR so you can record Saved by the Bell.
Grey is NOT Grey...
I like the style of the chairs and they were easy to assemble. Overall, the build of the chair looks stylish, BUT the color is horrific. I ordered grey and they are tan/beige with a hint of grey in the right light. Also, the legs are a 1990s bright fake cherry color. It may have looked okay 30 years ago, but that color of cherry is painful to look at. I ended up painting the legs with furniture paint to hide that eye sore. Do not buy these to match farmhouse, coastal, modern, or any other style...unless you're purposely going for a 90s retro look. They would look great to sit on while setting the clock on your VCR so you can record Saved by the Bell.