The seat itself is incredibly soft and comfortable. I love it so much. The legs need some work though. The thread inserts in the bottom of the chair are not all lined up to properly accept the threads from the bolts. Needed to clean up some threads on 3 out of 8 threaded inserts. I bought 2 of these. One of the chairs assembled fine after some work, but the other one's threaded insert pulled out when I was tightening a bolt so it's not as sturdy. It still supports weight but is a little bit wobbly that I am planning to fix later because the chair itself is amazing. Recommended if you're willing to do the work but if you're looking for a chair that puts together easy and is sturdy from the get go, maybe reconsider.
Good, but not great
The seat itself is incredibly soft and comfortable. I love it so much. The legs need some work though. The thread inserts in the bottom of the chair are not all lined up to properly accept the threads from the bolts. Needed to clean up some threads on 3 out of 8 threaded inserts. I bought 2 of these. One of the chairs assembled fine after some work, but the other one's threaded insert pulled out when I was tightening a bolt so it's not as sturdy. It still supports weight but is a little bit wobbly that I am planning to fix later because the chair itself is amazing. Recommended if you're willing to do the work but if you're looking for a chair that puts together easy and is sturdy from the get go, maybe reconsider.