Grate product easy to assemble and very cute My toddler love it. I bought this bed for my daughter. She is toddler and she jumb on the bed which shows the bed is strong. Now as for assembling the bed which I thought I would need my husband help but I didn't. It's not hard as you follow the instructions which is provided in box. I would highly recommend this product to friends and family. Let's not forget let you I got this product compared to the price in my area I saved average price 30%-50% off .
Great product
Grate product easy to assemble and very cute My toddler love it. I bought this bed for my daughter. She is toddler and she jumb on the bed which shows the bed is strong. Now as for assembling the bed which I thought I would need my husband help but I didn't. It's not hard as you follow the instructions which is provided in box. I would highly recommend this product to friends and family. Let's not forget let you I got this product compared to the price in my area I saved average price 30%-50% off .