I bought this bed to free up space in my kids room and give them a little more excitement/fun to play with. Definitely worth the money, easy to assemble, just time consuming. Very sturdy, weight limit states 400lbs in the description and that was something I was struggling to find with all other brands of beds that were similar in design. Bought it for my 5yr old but they like for me to lay in bed with them at the same time on occasion and I knew a bed like this all friends would be jumping on it as well so the weight limit was very important for me to find and be sure. Definitely recommend
Great bed
I bought this bed to free up space in my kids room and give them a little more excitement/fun to play with. Definitely worth the money, easy to assemble, just time consuming. Very sturdy, weight limit states 400lbs in the description and that was something I was struggling to find with all other brands of beds that were similar in design. Bought it for my 5yr old but they like for me to lay in bed with them at the same time on occasion and I knew a bed like this all friends would be jumping on it as well so the weight limit was very important for me to find and be sure. Definitely recommend