Nice shelf that could use a little quality control.
This is a sturdy little shelf with a nice finish. Its really nice that it is actual wood and not pressboard. My only issue putting it together was that the holes drilled on one side were almost 1/4 inch out of alignment - so I had to file the pegs down so that it could go together. Luckily I have the tools to do that - but a lot of people wouldnt.
Nice shelf that could use a little quality control.
This is a sturdy little shelf with a nice finish. Its really nice that it is actual wood and not pressboard. My only issue putting it together was that the holes drilled on one side were almost 1/4 inch out of alignment - so I had to file the pegs down so that it could go together. Luckily I have the tools to do that - but a lot of people wouldnt.