Good quality for the price, but lacks hardware and instructions
The stand feels pretty sturdy, which surprised me considering its only $37. I bought it to put my air fryer in the corner of the kitchen. It definitely serves its purpose.
I am only giving this product 3 stars because it lacks two very important things to put it together... instructions and wood glue. I was able to piece it together fairly easy myself by looking at the product picture, though. Be sure to have your own wood glue handy when you go to assemble the stand. It is a MUST as the center shelf and two support beams use wood studs instead of screws.
Good quality for the price, but lacks hardware and instructions
The stand feels pretty sturdy, which surprised me considering its only $37. I bought it to put my air fryer in the corner of the kitchen. It definitely serves its purpose. I am only giving this product 3 stars because it lacks two very important things to put it together... instructions and wood glue. I was able to piece it together fairly easy myself by looking at the product picture, though. Be sure to have your own wood glue handy when you go to assemble the stand. It is a MUST as the center shelf and two support beams use wood studs instead of screws.