Overall once it was put together it's a nice bed. But the manufacture threw me for a loop putting it together. One of the main corner polls had bolt indention on the wrong side. Just check the top rails make sure they line up with all the bolt holes before putting all the slats in. Basically had to build it once tear it completely down then rebuild it again. It was close to hit the dumpster several times during this process. But it's nice now it's done 2 hours later
Nice but terrible to put together
Overall once it was put together it's a nice bed. But the manufacture threw me for a loop putting it together. One of the main corner polls had bolt indention on the wrong side. Just check the top rails make sure they line up with all the bolt holes before putting all the slats in. Basically had to build it once tear it completely down then rebuild it again. It was close to hit the dumpster several times during this process. But it's nice now it's done 2 hours later