Purchased for my 4 year old. Its a great sturdy bed, very surprised for the price. It took my friend 2 hours to get together, he is handy with these types of things. Was missing 1 bolt for a drawer, however I picked it up at the hardware store, no big deal. The drawers slide easily and hold a ton! My son loves his bed and so do I! Will be buying another when my daughter upgrades! Great investment!
Great bed!
Purchased for my 4 year old. Its a great sturdy bed, very surprised for the price. It took my friend 2 hours to get together, he is handy with these types of things. Was missing 1 bolt for a drawer, however I picked it up at the hardware store, no big deal. The drawers slide easily and hold a ton! My son loves his bed and so do I! Will be buying another when my daughter upgrades! Great investment!