Instructions are easy to follow, however they are really unnecessary. It is easy to see how it all goes together. I am a 73 year old lady and did have a helper which made assembly a lot faster. I thought about buying a box spring but find it 100% unnecessary. If you are needing a bit more under bed storage, I believe adding risers would do the job nicely. BTW, the color in the image I provided is not like the actual bed. The actual color of the bed is exactly as shown in the ad. My camera is bad.
Looks great and Easy to assemble
Instructions are easy to follow, however they are really unnecessary. It is easy to see how it all goes together. I am a 73 year old lady and did have a helper which made assembly a lot faster. I thought about buying a box spring but find it 100% unnecessary. If you are needing a bit more under bed storage, I believe adding risers would do the job nicely. BTW, the color in the image I provided is not like the actual bed. The actual color of the bed is exactly as shown in the ad. My camera is bad.