The chair came with little feet to adjust height or balance the chair so it doesnt wobble. One of the little feet was not threaded and couldnt be used. I asked the seller several times for a replacement and never received any. Its honestly the easiest fix in the world but they cant be bothered to send me the little foot that likely costs them less than a dollar to produce. Should have sent it back amd purchased from someone else when I had the chance but the window is closed now.
Not worth the trouble
The chair came with little feet to adjust height or balance the chair so it doesnt wobble. One of the little feet was not threaded and couldnt be used. I asked the seller several times for a replacement and never received any. Its honestly the easiest fix in the world but they cant be bothered to send me the little foot that likely costs them less than a dollar to produce. Should have sent it back amd purchased from someone else when I had the chance but the window is closed now.