I ordered this because I have 3 school age children who have to share a room. I wanted to create a space where they could sleep and play. This bed took a very long time to get delivered. It came in two separate shipments that the seller did not make me aware of. When one part came, I called to inquire, and the seller seemed just as confused as I was. The other parts came two days later. I was going to return it but it is such a hassle with large items. We kept it. The directions were wrong and it took my husband and son about 4 hours to complete. My husband assembles things for me all the time and it quite handy. He was miserable after putting these beds together and was in a bad mood for at least a couple of hours after. In the last 20 years of marriage and all the items I have had him put together over the years, these were by far the worst directions. The beds are aesthetically nice looking and thats why they get two stars instead of one. The poor child on the bottom will have two ladders on the side of their bed. I bought these because of all the great reviews. I am figuring out that on , when something has so many 5 star reviews, its nonsense.
I ordered this because I have 3 school age children who have to share a room. I wanted to create a space where they could sleep and play. This bed took a very long time to get delivered. It came in two separate shipments that the seller did not make me aware of. When one part came, I called to inquire, and the seller seemed just as confused as I was. The other parts came two days later. I was going to return it but it is such a hassle with large items. We kept it. The directions were wrong and it took my husband and son about 4 hours to complete. My husband assembles things for me all the time and it quite handy. He was miserable after putting these beds together and was in a bad mood for at least a couple of hours after. In the last 20 years of marriage and all the items I have had him put together over the years, these were by far the worst directions. The beds are aesthetically nice looking and thats why they get two stars instead of one. The poor child on the bottom will have two ladders on the side of their bed. I bought these because of all the great reviews. I am figuring out that on , when something has so many 5 star reviews, its nonsense.