Great desk, not so easy to assemble and check for missing pieces.
It is a very sturdy desk. Exactly what I needed for the I have. The assembly instructions are not very clear at all and should be a bit more detailed.
Because I have assembled furniture on my own before I was able to figure it out. It took a total of 3 to 4 hours to assemble on my own. The only other issue was that there was a crucial piece I needed to complete the drawer during assembly that was missing and because I needed this put together asap I had to get creative and put a homemade finishing touch to it. Other than that I really like the desk and would say it was well worth the price.
Great desk, not so easy to assemble and check for missing pieces.
It is a very sturdy desk. Exactly what I needed for the I have. The assembly instructions are not very clear at all and should be a bit more detailed. Because I have assembled furniture on my own before I was able to figure it out. It took a total of 3 to 4 hours to assemble on my own. The only other issue was that there was a crucial piece I needed to complete the drawer during assembly that was missing and because I needed this put together asap I had to get creative and put a homemade finishing touch to it. Other than that I really like the desk and would say it was well worth the price.