This small desk turned out exactly as advertised, which is a good thing. The assembly instructions were detailed and made sense. I had no trouble putting the desk together. It is very sturdy. Small, but durable! While it does have tiny floor buttons Id advise using sliders (or an extra set of hands) to move it around. I only say this based on past experience with similar build items; once of those cam bolts gets over/strained you will have a weeble/wobble.
Good little desk.
Exactly as shown
This small desk turned out exactly as advertised, which is a good thing. The assembly instructions were detailed and made sense. I had no trouble putting the desk together. It is very sturdy. Small, but durable! While it does have tiny floor buttons Id advise using sliders (or an extra set of hands) to move it around. I only say this based on past experience with similar build items; once of those cam bolts gets over/strained you will have a weeble/wobble. Good little desk.