Overall this is a nice cabinet for a small space and I am happy with it. It was not difficult to assemble, but was very time consuming - it took me 4 hours to put it together. It's fairly sturdy, but definitely not as sturdy as a nice quality solid wood piece. Some of the cam lock pin holes were not drilled out, so I had to spend extra time drilling those out. There were also a few little nicks and dings here and there, but nothing major. I changed out the knobs for something a little nicer and added window cling to the upper cabinet glass.
Nice cabinet
Overall this is a nice cabinet for a small space and I am happy with it. It was not difficult to assemble, but was very time consuming - it took me 4 hours to put it together. It's fairly sturdy, but definitely not as sturdy as a nice quality solid wood piece. Some of the cam lock pin holes were not drilled out, so I had to spend extra time drilling those out. There were also a few little nicks and dings here and there, but nothing major. I changed out the knobs for something a little nicer and added window cling to the upper cabinet glass.