It matches the corner desk I bought with it, and it has held up well for a couple months intermittent use. It seems sturdy, and I don't see any sign that it's becoming worn or wobbly.
I only gave it four stars because it's not especially comfortable. It's not terrible, but I wouldn't want to spend a whole afternoon sitting on it. I guess it might be the perfect chair to offer somebody you want to make comfortable, but not TOO comfortable.
It really looks nice, and seems sturdy.
It matches the corner desk I bought with it, and it has held up well for a couple months intermittent use. It seems sturdy, and I don't see any sign that it's becoming worn or wobbly. I only gave it four stars because it's not especially comfortable. It's not terrible, but I wouldn't want to spend a whole afternoon sitting on it. I guess it might be the perfect chair to offer somebody you want to make comfortable, but not TOO comfortable.