I like the look of the chair and ottoman. It is stylish and attractive. Easy to clean and lightweight enough for a child to move around. Purchased for my 2 year old granddaughter. I do not like that it is smaller than the advertised picture. The picture shows a child older than 2 years old and the chair looks to be big enough for her to grow and last more years. My granddaughters chair is smaller in size. I would not buy again. I had thought of purchasing another one for my grandson but will not be doing so.
Its a great product but not as big as advertised.
I like the look of the chair and ottoman. It is stylish and attractive. Easy to clean and lightweight enough for a child to move around. Purchased for my 2 year old granddaughter. I do not like that it is smaller than the advertised picture. The picture shows a child older than 2 years old and the chair looks to be big enough for her to grow and last more years. My granddaughters chair is smaller in size. I would not buy again. I had thought of purchasing another one for my grandson but will not be doing so.