Great product for the price. It's sturdy and looks good. I've read some reviews complaining that the holes don't line up or that some rails are too short. That is because they are not placing the parts on the correct side or have to be flipped over. It is true that the instructions are not that great but if you had building blocks growing up then you should be able to figure it out.
Like I said, great product for the price. If you're looking for premium quality then look for something costing $500 plus.
Great for the Price
Great product for the price. It's sturdy and looks good. I've read some reviews complaining that the holes don't line up or that some rails are too short. That is because they are not placing the parts on the correct side or have to be flipped over. It is true that the instructions are not that great but if you had building blocks growing up then you should be able to figure it out. Like I said, great product for the price. If you're looking for premium quality then look for something costing $500 plus.