The bed is great for the price- sturdy, easy enough to put together, looks really cute. My only problem was one of the screw holes was welded wrong and I couldnt connect the part inside it due to this. Now this part just connected the decorative bars to the head board pipe, so it doesnt effect how sturdy or safe it is, but it was irritating. I like the bed frame well enough to let it slide though, after all, it doesnt effect how the bed frame functions or looks. Five Stars love the color
Good for price, but parts made cheaply
The bed is great for the price- sturdy, easy enough to put together, looks really cute. My only problem was one of the screw holes was welded wrong and I couldnt connect the part inside it due to this. Now this part just connected the decorative bars to the head board pipe, so it doesnt effect how sturdy or safe it is, but it was irritating. I like the bed frame well enough to let it slide though, after all, it doesnt effect how the bed frame functions or looks. Five Stars love the color