So happy that I went through with the decision to purchase this set. It’s exactly what I was looking for at half the price. I got the first box yesterday’s and the remaining two today. It’s tall people friendly I am 5’11 and I am able to get up and go down on this couch with ease. The legs are a great height also the cushions are thick. Was fairly easy to assemble and didn’t take a long time. It came with all the tools need for set up but I used an electric screwdriver instead to make the process faster. The couch is firm yet comfortable so no sinking down. Couch feels really sturdy. The ottoman is a really nice size as well.
Perfect set for small spaces!
So happy that I went through with the decision to purchase this set. It’s exactly what I was looking for at half the price. I got the first box yesterday’s and the remaining two today. It’s tall people friendly I am 5’11 and I am able to get up and go down on this couch with ease. The legs are a great height also the cushions are thick. Was fairly easy to assemble and didn’t take a long time. It came with all the tools need for set up but I used an electric screwdriver instead to make the process faster. The couch is firm yet comfortable so no sinking down. Couch feels really sturdy. The ottoman is a really nice size as well.