My daughter order this chair, sturdy, well made. It was lost in shipping, seller gave us a full refund and said if it show up, we could keep it and guess what it show up one day after they the issue a refund. I has asked them to change us but they said no, what a great company to deal with. I dont want any business to loose money, because they wont be around if they do, but something as a business owner myself its better to take great care with good customers first and worried about monies later.
Best shopping experience on
My daughter order this chair, sturdy, well made. It was lost in shipping, seller gave us a full refund and said if it show up, we could keep it and guess what it show up one day after they the issue a refund. I has asked them to change us but they said no, what a great company to deal with. I dont want any business to loose money, because they wont be around if they do, but something as a business owner myself its better to take great care with good customers first and worried about monies later.