It did arrive in 6 packages like other reviews had said. The 2 corner pieces came 2 days later in 1 box. We only got 1 tracking number initially, but the seller responded to my message within a day and sent the other tracking info. They are a good seller to deal with. They were courteous and even followed up with me. The set looks great! The only downside is the tedious assembly. It comes in all flat side and bottom pieces and it is extremely difficult to get to some of the corners. Make sure you have a ratchet, otherwise you will be there for hours. Maybe make it a family assembly day. The cushions do slide despite the advertised grips at the bottom. We will be adding some velcro to it. The seat cushions were extremely difficult to put the covers on. We love the look, and it is also very comfortable to sit or lay on, so it earned 5 stars despite the lengthy assembly.
Great looking set!
It did arrive in 6 packages like other reviews had said. The 2 corner pieces came 2 days later in 1 box. We only got 1 tracking number initially, but the seller responded to my message within a day and sent the other tracking info. They are a good seller to deal with. They were courteous and even followed up with me. The set looks great! The only downside is the tedious assembly. It comes in all flat side and bottom pieces and it is extremely difficult to get to some of the corners. Make sure you have a ratchet, otherwise you will be there for hours. Maybe make it a family assembly day. The cushions do slide despite the advertised grips at the bottom. We will be adding some velcro to it. The seat cushions were extremely difficult to put the covers on. We love the look, and it is also very comfortable to sit or lay on, so it earned 5 stars despite the lengthy assembly.