Set was not easy to assemble by someone skilled at putting things together. It took about 4 hours to get this situated. Booklet was not helpful. The rest of the seats are missing holes to connect for a 3 piece couch as in the photo. I’m fine with the set up though. Also, as you can see, we have two left arms so clearly we are missing a piece. That said it looks nice, is sturdy and it passed the teenager comfort requirements. Will be buying a box for the cushions as reviews for when it rains aren’t favorable. No number for customer service so you’re on your own. No you tube video either. Worth it for the price as of now. It will be put away come fall or it’ll be destroyed by Mother Nature. Navy color is nice although I thought the blue would be brighter as in ad.
Good For The Cost
Set was not easy to assemble by someone skilled at putting things together. It took about 4 hours to get this situated. Booklet was not helpful. The rest of the seats are missing holes to connect for a 3 piece couch as in the photo. I’m fine with the set up though. Also, as you can see, we have two left arms so clearly we are missing a piece. That said it looks nice, is sturdy and it passed the teenager comfort requirements. Will be buying a box for the cushions as reviews for when it rains aren’t favorable. No number for customer service so you’re on your own. No you tube video either. Worth it for the price as of now. It will be put away come fall or it’ll be destroyed by Mother Nature. Navy color is nice although I thought the blue would be brighter as in ad.