This futon is actually very nice quality, easy to assemble, and comfortable to sit on. We chose this item to set up in our rec room for our kids and could not be happier. The assembly took me literally 5 minutes because you simply attach the legs and youre done. The fabric is actually surprisingly sturdy but soft. The only thing that is something I can point out negative is the seam that runs through the middle of the chair. I attached a photo but you can clearly see even if youre about 1/8 off, youll notice the unevenness. Not sure why it just didnt wrap around and make it appear more couch like. Otherwise, no issues. It clicks in place to the height chosen and can be laid flat (great for play room fun time or movies).
Easy assembly and comfortable
This futon is actually very nice quality, easy to assemble, and comfortable to sit on. We chose this item to set up in our rec room for our kids and could not be happier. The assembly took me literally 5 minutes because you simply attach the legs and youre done. The fabric is actually surprisingly sturdy but soft. The only thing that is something I can point out negative is the seam that runs through the middle of the chair. I attached a photo but you can clearly see even if youre about 1/8 off, youll notice the unevenness. Not sure why it just didnt wrap around and make it appear more couch like. Otherwise, no issues. It clicks in place to the height chosen and can be laid flat (great for play room fun time or movies).