This may easily be the best quality bed I ever purchased. The bed is as sturdy as can be and the instructions were so simple that a child could follow them. I had to reach out to customer service for spare parts and they responded quicker than I could check my emails. The parts were shipped to me promptly, even though I havent yet opened the box the spare parts were shipped in. My kid loves this bed. Caution: the bed is huge, so consider if youd want all of your room space eaten up by it. However, you wont be disappointed with this purchase.
Great sturdy bed
This may easily be the best quality bed I ever purchased. The bed is as sturdy as can be and the instructions were so simple that a child could follow them. I had to reach out to customer service for spare parts and they responded quicker than I could check my emails. The parts were shipped to me promptly, even though I havent yet opened the box the spare parts were shipped in. My kid loves this bed. Caution: the bed is huge, so consider if youd want all of your room space eaten up by it. However, you wont be disappointed with this purchase.