Purchased for teenage niece who loves it! Decent quality for the price, definitely not super durable but I did not have high expectations based on cost. Dresser was PIA to assemble, while inserting the pegs to attach the top panel to the dresser it cracked so be extra careful when completing this step, luckily niece didn’t care and just covered it with all her girly stuff. Overall, niece is happy so I’m happy seems like it’ll last and we’ll get our money’s worth out of it. FYI it is not WHITE, it’s more of an off white still nice looking but don’t expect white.
Good Value
Purchased for teenage niece who loves it! Decent quality for the price, definitely not super durable but I did not have high expectations based on cost. Dresser was PIA to assemble, while inserting the pegs to attach the top panel to the dresser it cracked so be extra careful when completing this step, luckily niece didn’t care and just covered it with all her girly stuff. Overall, niece is happy so I’m happy seems like it’ll last and we’ll get our money’s worth out of it. FYI it is not WHITE, it’s more of an off white still nice looking but don’t expect white.