This bed frame and headboard is better quality than I had expected. The parts fit together very well (with help from grandson) and it looks great. My only complaint is with shipping which was through UPS...It arrived a week sooner than stated at 8 pm. The UPS guy had to bring it to the door by himself. It was much too heavy and I hope that he did not hurt himself. I appreciate prompt shipping but this was seriously hard on the driver. I am very disappointed in for not having more concern for workers and will do all that I can to not use .com for future purchases. Excellent customer service
This bed frame and headboard is better quality than I had expected. The parts fit together very well (with help from grandson) and it looks great. My only complaint is with shipping which was through UPS...It arrived a week sooner than stated at 8 pm. The UPS guy had to bring it to the door by himself. It was much too heavy and I hope that he did not hurt himself. I appreciate prompt shipping but this was seriously hard on the driver. I am very disappointed in for not having more concern for workers and will do all that I can to not use .com for future purchases. Excellent customer service