This bed is really cool. The kids love it. Its a good value for the money but does have some quality issues. It was easy to assemble and was very sturdy feeling after. The kit and instructions were on point. I did get 1 board which was mislabeled and that made for a confusing moment but once I realized what was happening I was able to continue on. That board is turned against the wall and cant be seen so oh well.
Drawers / They are great but free floating underneath so they go everywhere. Also if someone is sitting on the bed they become pinched and wont open.
Boards / they are bonked and banged pretty good in shipping and that could be reduced with better packaging. But this is where they save some money.
Paint / the color is awesome but they used terrible quality paint. Its falling off the bed everywhere and here soon I will have to buy some good quality paint and repaint it. This is a feeling after only owning it a short time. It just flakes off everywhere ucontrollably and that kind where once it starts it just keeps peeling from that spot.
Cool bed with a couple issues / but worth it
This bed is really cool. The kids love it. Its a good value for the money but does have some quality issues. It was easy to assemble and was very sturdy feeling after. The kit and instructions were on point. I did get 1 board which was mislabeled and that made for a confusing moment but once I realized what was happening I was able to continue on. That board is turned against the wall and cant be seen so oh well. Drawers / They are great but free floating underneath so they go everywhere. Also if someone is sitting on the bed they become pinched and wont open. Boards / they are bonked and banged pretty good in shipping and that could be reduced with better packaging. But this is where they save some money. Paint / the color is awesome but they used terrible quality paint. Its falling off the bed everywhere and here soon I will have to buy some good quality paint and repaint it. This is a feeling after only owning it a short time. It just flakes off everywhere ucontrollably and that kind where once it starts it just keeps peeling from that spot.