We are really happy with our purchase. It is extremely sturdy and of very good quality. The way they have the slats set up actually gave the bed (mattress) a stronger base. We still put a Bunkie board down to be on the safe side. Actually my husband put down 1/4 to 1/2 inch ply and called it a Bunkie board.
On Assembly: 1. Each part has a letters printed on a sticker for each. They need to put a new ribbon in the printer because the O, Q, C, and the T, I, L all looked alike. So you need to look a little closer to make sure you have the right piece and match it to the picture.. You may not have this problem.
2. The hole that the barrel nut goes into needs to be cleaned out. It is left over saw dust but it makes the barrel nut sit at an angle. . We just ran a flat head screw driver around the inside of each hole and we were good.
3. If you use a straight Allen Wrench and put it in a drill, it goes a lot quicker (per my husband), Be careful not to strip the Allen head screws (per the wife).
Instruction manual says it takes 45 MINUTES to put together. Really??? Took us 3-5 hours from start to finish, Couldnt be happier with our purchase,
Very sturdy!!!!!!!!! Exceeded our expectation!!!!
We are really happy with our purchase. It is extremely sturdy and of very good quality. The way they have the slats set up actually gave the bed (mattress) a stronger base. We still put a Bunkie board down to be on the safe side. Actually my husband put down 1/4 to 1/2 inch ply and called it a Bunkie board. On Assembly: 1. Each part has a letters printed on a sticker for each. They need to put a new ribbon in the printer because the O, Q, C, and the T, I, L all looked alike. So you need to look a little closer to make sure you have the right piece and match it to the picture.. You may not have this problem. 2. The hole that the barrel nut goes into needs to be cleaned out. It is left over saw dust but it makes the barrel nut sit at an angle. . We just ran a flat head screw driver around the inside of each hole and we were good. 3. If you use a straight Allen Wrench and put it in a drill, it goes a lot quicker (per my husband), Be careful not to strip the Allen head screws (per the wife). Instruction manual says it takes 45 MINUTES to put together. Really??? Took us 3-5 hours from start to finish, Couldnt be happier with our purchase,